Carnegie Mellon
- 10-416 / 10-618 - Machine Learning for Structured Prediction (TA): Fall 2019
- 10-335 - Art and Machine Learning (Guest Lecturer): Spring 2019
Georgia Tech
CS 3510 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms (TA): Fall 2017
Previously, I was the head tutor at the Center for Academic Success at Georgia Tech. I tutored and developed training materials for the following courses:
- MATH 1564 - Linear Algebra with Abstract Vector Spaces
- MATH 1551 - Differential Calculus
- MATH 1552 - Integral Calculus
- MATH 2551 - Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 2551 - Differential Equations
- CS 1331 - Introduction to Obejct Oriented Programming
- CS 1332 - Data Structures and Algorithms
- CS 2051 - Honors Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
- CS 2110 - Computer Organization and Programming
- CS 2200 - Systems and Networks
- CS 3510 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 3600 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4641 - Machine Learning
- MATH 3012 - Applied Combinatorics
- ISYE 3770 - Statistics and Applications